W8SGR 1933 - 2020
Wendell C. 'Chuck' Mellberg
Saginaw, MI
Traverse City, MI
QCWA # 23347
Chapter 10
First Call: W8SGR in 1954
Wendell "Chuck" Charles Mellberg
April 21, 1933 - October 26, 2020
It is with deep personal regret that I convey to you the loss of a long-time member, champion, and leader of the Cherryland Amateur Radio Club. Chuck Mellberg W8SGR passed away early this morning at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, MI
Chuck had been involved actively with the Cherryland Amateur Radio Club dating back into the 80s. He has served as president numerous times throughout the years, and has held other positions as well, and remained an active board member through 2019.
Chuck was an "elmer" to countless amateur operators throughout the years, myself included. He spearheaded projects such as the Radio building at the Boy Scout Camp, communications for area races, Emergency Service operations, fox hunts, club contests, club endeavors like Lighthouses On The Air, and many many others.
Chuck was a technical guru and subject matter expert with respect to Field Day and Repeater installations. Chuck was able to broker partnerships with local radio and TV stations and local land owners which resulted in promotion of the club, resources for club activities and events, and the location for the club's two repeater systems. Chuck also brokered agreements for other area repeaters and radio stations throughout the four county area.
A friend to any newcomer on the air and to the club in person, Chuck was the "First Contact" for countless amateurs as they began their hobby experience. Chuck loved to include people in all sorts of activities. Even if that activity was meeting for coffee at J&S, the Pie Company, or Big Boy and talking about radio or really anything else.
A more complete obituary with any service information will appear in the Cherry Juice as well as be passed along to the email list.
With deepest sympathy,
Joe N8CN
Editor, Cherry Juice
Cherryland Amateur Radio Club