Arthur L. 'Art' Moody
Elyria, OH
QCWA # 38373
First Call: KB8UTC issued in 1994
I have been an active Amateur Radio operator for a little over twenty-five (25) years. I am married, the father of five adult children. I enjoy boating, fishing, golfing, dinning out, traveling and Amateur Radio.
Most of my radio time is spent DXing or Rag chewing. My station consist of all Yaesu (FT-847, FT-920, FT-1000MP MARK-V, FTdx 3000D and FTdx 9000D). The antenna system consist of a 3 element yagi, G5RV, several D/Bazooka antennas, R-7 vertical for HF, 148-20 two-meter beam, C-500 and X-300A vertical for 2 mtr and 440. A449-6S for 440 and a AR-6 vertical for 6 meters.
I am a retired Fiscal (Budget & Finance) Officer. I am a member of the OMIK Amatuer Radio Association, Fists (#4970), ARRL, 10/10 International (#68363), QCWA (#38373) & The North East (NEO-O) Ohio-OMIK ARC. I operate on all bands.You can find me rag chewing primarily on 40 & 20 meters. If you are in the area of my QTH try contacting me on 2 meter simplex 146.565.
I currently hold the following QRZ certificates: WCA #12425, Grid Square Award #11197.
Looking forward to talking to you on the air.

Becky KD8BBH - Art W8UTC

November 30, 2020