Tyssen W. 'Tye' Becker
Aldie, VA
QCWA # 29436
Chapter 91
W8ZM is the latest in a string of calls I've held since I was first licensed as WN8MLJ in April, 1972. At that time,I was in college and had very little time or money for hobbies. So, it wasn't until I was relicensed as WD8QXN in February, 1978 that I became serious about ham radio. I passed the Advanced exam at the 1978 Dayton Hamvention and became KB8FJ in October. In February, 1982, I passed the Extra Class exam at the Baltimore FCC Field Office. I received the W8ZM call in November 1996.
Over the years, I have been extremely active, especially in DXing and contesting. I prefer CW, but use most of the available modes, including 6 meters for RC planes. I was active in my local club in WV and held most of the offices at one time or another. I was one of the first volunteer examiners, and received my certification (Certificate #203) in 1983 from the initial VEC, the Dayton Amateur Radio Association. I'm a life member of the ARRL and a member of QCWA, the Collins Collector Association and MAARC.
In the early 1980's, I began collecting old radios, mostly Collins, National and Johnson. I still have my first station from 1972, a Hammarlund HQ-170A with Heath transmitters. I was very active in the early Collins Collector Association, was an early net control and one of the first Directors of the association. I've been to the Dayton Hamvention every year since 1978, and until recently, I attended many other hamfests each year.
In late 1997, I transferred from West Virginia to Pittsburgh, PA and found the antenna restrictions to be somewhat difficult.I felt fortunate to have hidden an R7000 and a sloper behind the house. I soon discovered there is a tremendous difference between yagis at 90 feet and a little vertical. And believe me, the difference is much greater than the simple gain of the beams.
Since 2003, I have worked in downtown Washington, DC, right across the street from the Capitol. In June 2005, after all of my children graduated from high school, we moved to Alexandria, VA. I now have a Hustler 6-BTV in the back yard and a quarter wave sloper for 80 and 160. Stay tuned for the next move (retirement!) in 2014 or so to Delaware, Southern Virginia or maybe back to West Virginia where I can again grow tall towers.
I'm still playing with sports cars, street rods and bikes as time allows and trying to catch up on all the vintage radio repairs I've been putting off for so long. I have several other hobbies such as photography and shooting sports, but I never seem to have enough time to enjoy them.
If you want to communicate with me, please write, call, or e-mail me. I will be happy to provide QSL's, set up skeds or just talk.
73 es DX!!!
February 8, 2015