W9BCV - November 4, 2011
Duane B. Haas
Beaver Dam, WI
QCWA # 16334
Chapter 55
Duane B. Haas, 104 Fakes Court, Beaver Dam, WI, passed away peacefully at Beaver Dam Community Hospital on Friday, November 4, 2011 following a brief illness. He was 95 years old and was accompanied by his family at his bedside.
Duane was born on June 6, 1916 in Randolph, WI son of Bernard and Alvira (Gilhart) Haas. His father was a piano tuner by trade and the family moved several times before settling in Beaver Dam when Duane was about eight years old. Following in his father's footsteps, he took an early interest in the hobbies of amateur radio and photography. In fact, he began listening to a crystal radio set with an earphone when he was only in the third grade.
He built his first radio transmitter from junk parts in 1931 when he was in ninth grade. The next year he qualified for his FCC radio license with the call sign of W9BCV and joined the Rock River Radio Club. He served as club president from 1934-1941 eventually earning his Extra-Class license, the highest license issued for amateur radio. He had a real passion for DX contests which involved world-wide communications and was recognized at the state and national levels for his success. He had contact with almost 300 countries over the years and mentored scores of new radio enthusiasts.
Following his graduation from Beaver Dam High School in 1934 his radio experience led to his first job in the electrical department at Monarch Range Company in 1935. He joined the Navy Reserve in Milwaukee as a radio operator in 1938 until his discharge in 1940. His Navy experience led to him being asked to come to Truax Field in Madison to be a communications instructor for the Army Air Force Technical Training Command.
The Callsign W9BCV was issued to me on July 22, 1932 and I have been active ever since. Served in the Naval Reserve for 2 years and 3 years active duty as an instructor for the Radio Operating Divison of the Army Air Foce Technical Training Command at Truax Field in Madison, Wisconsin and at Scott Field, Ill. Was discharged from service in November 1945 as a Staff Sgt.
Retired in June of 1980 after 45 years of service with the Malleable Iron Range Company. Served in various capacities as electrical engineer and then on to be the Purchasing Agent. I got interested in photography while in service and had it as my second hobby. That proved to be more than a hobby as I attended night school and classes at the Professional Photographers of America as a portrait photographer and then started a Studio as a second venture so I would have something to do when I retired. My son joined the studio in 1975 and took it over in 1980. I retired then and have enjoyed the hobby of Ham Radio ever since. I joined the Rock River Radio club in 1931 and have been a member ever since. Served as it's president for many years and still am active as the VP. Acted as lead instructor for our training sessions and have been an "Elmer" for many hams throughout the years.
As you can see from the photo, I have a nice operating position and a well equipped station with many antennas and a Yaesu Mark V xcvr with a IC706 for backup. I do have a Alpha 78 for an Amp but seldon use it. I used to be very active with contests and working DX but would rather have a nice "rag Chew" and get to know those I contact. After 75 years as a Ham I am satified to just act as NCS for our Chapter 55 QCWA sunday morning nets and our Rock River Radio Club ARES nets. I will be 92 years old in June and I hope to remain active until the "End". TNX for reading this material and I hope to QSO you some time. 73 CUL