John E. Feltz
Junction City, WI
QCWA # 22745
Chapter 174
 Badger Constesters |
First Call: WN9LWJ Other Call(s): WA9LWJ
Greetings: LET US ALL PRAY FOR A STRONG AMERICA. SUPPORT OUR ARMED SERVICE MEN and WOMEN. HONOR OUR FLAG AND COUNTRY!! ........I have been a ham since 1964. My old calls were WN9LWJ and WA9LWJ. I was issued W9JN in May 1997. I spent two years in the U.S. Army with one year in Viet Nam, February 67-68 as a crypto intelligence radio operator. My wife Kathy and I are both reserve members of the Rudolph Volunteer Fire Dept. http://www.rudolphfd.net/ I've been a firefighter/EMT since 1970 and retired from active service January 21, 2010.
My grandson Jacob is K9TVG. My son Brian is WB9E.
WAS on HF, 50 and 144. VUCC on 50-144-222-432. 50 Mhz is my main interest band and am striving to get the FFMA award. For EME I have 4 x 6 on 2 meters and 2 x 7 on 6 meters, both H plane arrays with KW's. 2m tropo is M2 18 element at 70 feet and 6m is YU7EF0607 at 65 feet. TRI-band HF antenna along with several wire antennas for 160-12 meters. My home grid is EN54dn. Always looking to set up WSJT/CW mode skeds on 50 and 144 Mhz. I have a beacon on 50.063KHz using a halo antenna at 35 feet. The beacon runs 10 watts and uses a W9XT beacon keyer. It's grid square designator is EN54dm located at Rudolph Fire station #4. Life member of QCWA # 22745, Life Member of ARRL http://www.arrl.org/ , Charter life member of Central States VHF Society #50 http://www.csvhfs.org/, SMIRK # 6031 http://www.smirk.org/ , member of A-1 Operator Club. I'm a CVE for W5YI-VE http://www.w5yi.org/ . I retired from paper mill operations in 2004.
Thanks for reading the info and God be with you!
73, John W9JN

My wife Kasia along with her 1941 Allis Chalmers "C" and my 1969 Allis Chalmers 190XT
February 08, 2019