W9LNQ - June 10, 2014
Anthony R. 'Bob' Truhlar
Chicago, IL
QCWA # 03678
Chapter 2
Anthony 'Bob' Truhlar Jr, W9LNQ, 93, Passed June 10, 2014.
Bob had been a Hamfester for many, many years. He also was excellent CW operator and an avid DXer running near the top of the DXCC list.
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Chicago Sun-Times reports on two radio amateurs, Dorothy Truhlar N9ALC (89) and Bob Truhlar W9LNQ (90) who celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on August 16, 2011
Bob got his ham license in 1938 while Dorothy got her ticket in 1958.
The newspaper quotes Dorothy as saying .He would go to work at 6:30 and I.d go on the radio and talk to people all over the world, Once I set the alarm for 3:30 so I could reach somebody in Nepal.
They even have a certificate acknowledging that they made contact with the International Space Station.
70 years of ribbing, hamming and wedded bliss .