W9LRI - June, 1983
Robert S. 'Bob' Cresap
Hinsdale, IL
QCWA # 6061
Chapter 1
OOTC # 981
Chicage Suburban Radio Association
Back left to right: Don Harris W9GUM; Howard Goode W9DYP; Irwin Mellman W9TXT; Jim Troyer N9GI;
Bob Cresap W9LRI; Leo Gizynski W9AHK; Harold May N9BAT; John Matazel W9USJ and Stan Hails W9ZGV.
Front left to right: Bob Drapeau K9AJW; Allan Marco W9OMC; Doug Henning W9PBJ; Stan Carlson WA9AUG;
Joe Harrant W9FLA and Bob Orwin W9YKA.