W9VQD - January 24, 1996
Director 1985
Director 1987 - 1991
J. T. 'Travis' Baird
Milwaukee, WI
QCWA # 6982
Chapter 55
J. TRAVIS BAIRD, W9VQD, candidate for the office of Director of QCWA was first licenses in September, 1935 at which time he obtained the call he has held continuously. He holds an advance class license. Since 1946 he has been a member of ARES, is actrive on 75 and 2 meters
Travis is a graduate engineer, receiving his degree at the University of Wisconsin , in 1938 with post graduate classes at Illinois Tech, Harb ard and Northeasern during WW-I I. Designed transformers, line material; Assistant Electrical Engineer, Underwriters Laboratories; Staff, US Navy underwater sound laboratory in the Carribean theatre.
Travis retired in 1984, he is a Life Member ARRL and of QCWA. Was treasurer of Wisconsin Chapter No. 55 for eight years.
1 would like to see the individual QCWA chapters develop funding p lans for scholarships to local colleges or Univ.ersities and also strengthen the National QCWA Scholarship Fund. I would also like to see greater effort to cooperate with the ARRL in dealing with the FCC.
From the Milwaukee Radio Amateurs' Club Inc. W9RH http://www.w9rh.org/:
1932 - W9VQD joind MRAC
1948 - ARRL National Convention: Prizes - Travis Baird W9VQD
1951 - MRAC adds the office of Second Vice-President. 1st V.P. was Travis Baird W9VQD and the 2nd V.P. was Ken Eggert W9MOT.
1962 - President of MRAC J. Travis Baird W9VQD
1967 - President of MRAC J. Travis Baird W9VQD
1968 - President of MRAC J. Travis Baird W9VQD
1989 - MRAC did a demonstration of amateur radio at the Wilson Park Senior Center (March 2). Participating were Roger Zaun W9UVV, George Philbert KA9MXM, Travis Baird W9VQD, Ed Seruga KE9JJ and Harry Cieszki KD9AJ.
1996 - J. Travis Baird W9VQD passes away (1/24). Besides holding numerous club offices, running the auction for many years, and always willing to donate time and even money for the club throughout his life, an award will be created in his name to be given to members "who have demonstrated a long term commitment to promoting the amateur radio service" (from club web site). The award is established in 2002
2002 - The first J. Travis Baird award is presented to Dick McNew WB9PTC in recognition of his never-ending Elmering of prospective and new hams in learning amateur radio and especially Morse code.
2013 - The second ever J. Travis Baird award (the first was in 2002) is presented to Dave DeFebo WB9BWP in recognition of his years of service to MRAC and amateur radio (not to mention his paying more membership dues that any previous member - ed. Just had to say that).
member; The bØZO Amateur Radio Fraternity: www.ab0zo.org