Julius B. 'Butch' Wlaschin
Millville, DE
QCWA # 38219
Chapter 150
First Call: WNØCIE issued in 1962
Greetings from Lower Slower Delaware.
I was first licensed in 1962 while in Scouting as WNØCIE, and then received my General Class license in 1963 as WAØCIE. I operated from my home in Western Nebraska for several years using a Galaxy V with a tri-band beam and various dipoles. In the late 60's I traveled up and down the west coast mobile using the Galaxy, with various stops in Oregon, Colorado and Texas.
After graduating from college, my career allowed me to operate mobile from all 50 states during the 70's, adding numerous county contacts for the County Hunters. But then I took a break to help my wife raise three sons, managing only to work on 2 mtrs and at various Northern Virginia field day events (Manassas, Warrenton and Fairfax).
I retired from USDOT in 2014 and am now slowly getting back on the air. I passed my Extra Class exam in the spring of 2017. I am a Life member of ARRL (1970) and the Sussex Amateur Radio Association (SARA). I am currently running an Icom-718, an Yaesu FT-817- QRP (SKCC#18301), an FT-891 on FT-8, and a Kenwood TM-281 - 2mtr mobile along with an Yaesu FT-60. I am using an AV-18VS, a TW-2010 and G5RV jr (due to HOA restrictions). I also have a PRACom Mag. Loop that I have been trying on 40mtrs and 30mtrs. Primarliy using FT-8.
I spend the bulk of my time on CW (80-10mtrs), but recently started doing some FT-8 on the same bands. If you need Delaware, give me a shout. My thanks to all of the SKCC members that have been patient with me these last several months. QSL direct, I love getting the cards and I will respond in kind. No SASE required. LoTW and QRZ work as well.
Thanks again, Butch WAØCIE

March 21, 2020