David L. 'Dave' Herrick
Mont Vernon, NH
QCWA # 38579
Chapter 134
First Call: WN1BXM issued in 1963 Other Call(s): AB7Q
First licensed 1963 as Novice (WN1BXM) in Belfast Maine followed shortly by Conditional Class as WA1BXM. First rig was Hallicrafters S38-E receiver and HT-40 transmitter The HT-40 was bought as a kit at the Radio Shack store in downtown Boston when Radio Shack actually sold ham radios. Second rig was Halli SR-160 triband xcvr. Was active on Maine Seagull Net .
Studied Electrical Engineering at University of Maine in Orono getting BSEE in 1972 and MSEE in 1974. Served as trustee of W1YA, the University Club Station. Moved to Bozeman, Montana in 1974, issued WB7UPD, and upgraded to Extra Class with call sign AB7Q. Earned PhD in EE from Montana State University, moved to New Hampshire in 1978 and got original callsign back.
Enjoy CW with J-38 straight key and Hallicrafters TO keyer with Vibroplex paddle. Net Control Thursdays for the Maine Slow Speed Net (M-F at 18:00 local on 3585 kHz). Substitute NCS on Maine Seagull Net (Mon-Sat at 17:00 local on 3940 kHz).
Current rigs are Collins S line (32S-1, 75S-1,30L-1,30S-1) and A line (75A-1 and 32V-2), Central Electronics 20A SSB exciter paired with BC-312-M receiver, and Elecraft KX3 with KXPA100 amp and PX3 panadapter. The Elecraft gear is used for portable operation and at the summer QTH in Phillips Maine. Will move the A-Line station up there this Spring. NH antenna is a double bazooka in inverted vee configuration supported by a 50' free standing, crank-up tower. Maine QTH antenna is an endfed random length wire fed from a Johnson Viking Kilowatt Matchbox.
Phillips Maine Shack

Mount Vernon NH Shack (and self-portait)

November 13, 2021