Alan R. 'Al' Marote
Fellsmere, FL
QCWA # 23018
Chapter 48
Hello and thanks for visiting my page.
My given name is Alan but "You Can Call Me AL" (Thank you Paul Simon for that great tune!). "AL" has been my on-air name for over 50 years.
I QSL via Logbook of the World, eQSL, Direct and Bureau. If you want a paper QSL, send me yours direct and I will send a QSL at no cost to you. If I send one to you *PLEASE* send one back!
In 2015, I celebrated 50 years of amateur radio.
I was first licensed in July 1965 as WN1EWE... I will never forget the thrill of my 1st QSO... even though it was local, only one mile from station to station. In 1969, I obtained the call WN1LBG and upgraded to WA1LBG in 1970.
After 50+ years, it's still magic!

September 23, 2016