Ann M. Finkelsen
Sharpsburg, GA
QCWA # 32530
First Call: KN1DNB in 1979 Other Call(s): KA1DNB
I was originally licensed in Rhode Island in 1979 (Extra since 1980). I enjoy DX'ing, contesting, CW and DXpeditions. DXCC #1 Honor roll Mixed and SSB with 349 worked and 349 confirmed countries. DXCC Honor roll CW. Other hobbies include Scuba Diving (Rescue Diver), photography, motorcycles and cycling. I have a BS degree in Computer Engineering and work as an Electronics Engineer.
I moved to Georgia from New Hampshire in June 2009. My father was in the Air Force and since I was born, I have lived in 7 states - SC, AK, MD, RI, MA, NH and now GA. The last 2 moves, NH and GA were due to work.
Callsigns/DXpeditions: 3D2AC (2013), T33A (2013), PJ7/WA1S (2008), TO4X (2008), TX5C (2008 Clipperton Atoll first YL), CU2/WA1S (2007), PW5J (WRTC 2006), PP5/WA1S (2006), P4/WA1S (2006), P41S (2006),K7C (2005 Kure Atoll first YL), VP9/WA1S (2004), VP9I (2004), 8N1OGA (2002 Ogasawara), K5K (2000 Kingman Reef first YL), T32R (2000), KH5/WA1S (2000), V63HO (1998), V63X (1998), VK9WY (1997), VK4AMS (1997), J38AA (1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007), J3A (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007), J3/WA1S (1999, 2000), J39A (1996)
CW ops -196, QCWA-32530, YLISSB-13855, FISTS-8254, OMISS 265, GERATOL 1401, HHH-104, 3905 CC-40mtrs-1469, 80mtrs-1096, 10/10-48144
QSL manager: P41S, J3A (CQWW contests only from Nov 1998 to present), J38AA, J3/WA1S, VP9/WA1S, CU2/WA1S, PJ7/WA1S and 3D2AC (31 October - 2 November 2013 only) NO eQSL.
US Stations please include an SASE. For stations outside the US please include a Self Addressed Envelope and return postage (Current IRC or $2 USD). All requests without return postage will be returned via the bureau.
NOTE: Effective 26 January 2014 the postage rate from the US to ALL other countries is $1.15.
February 12, 2015