Ronald L. 'Ron' Gilson
Amherst, NY
QCWA # 33759
Chapter 65
First Call: WA2WWK issued in 1967
My first experience with radio began at the age of nine when, with the aid of my dad, I built my first AM crystal set. Shortly after that, I advanced to a single tube radio and finally my first (4) transistor radio. These were all 'bread-boards' using earphones and a long wire antenna.
In the 1950's, I built my first transceiver, an EICO CB radio. As my interest increased, I studied and earned my Novice 'ticket' (1967) quickly advancing to Technician and General class.
After graduating from college, I accepted an electronics engineering position at Bell Aerospace, a local air frame and electronics research/development company. After twenty-five years at Bell, the company unexpectantly shut down. While looking for a full time position, I worked for a local two-way radio shop. During employment in the two-way field, I installed and programmed a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system used to measure water flow, storage capacity, etc.) network for our county water department, a county wide twelve channel SMR Trunking Network (Police, Fire, EMT, School Buses, DPW etc.) and maintained various private Police, Fire and businesses systems.
The next seventeen years I worked for a local hospital network (8 counties). I designed communications and data networks shortly after the 911 attacks which included Satellite, Cell, Two-way radio and Internet.
Dialing back to Amateur Radio, I've served on the board of directors for a local Amateur Radio Club (LARC Lancaster Amateur Radio Club). I currently operate two IRLP, three Allstar Nodes, one 927 MHz repeater (linked to 5 other 927 MHz repeaters) one 440 MHz and one 927 MHz portable tactical repeaters.
Currently I volunteer at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park as a docent and technical advisor. In addition to hosting and serving as webmaster for our senior's web site (WWW.SaintChrisSeniors.com ) and QCWA Chapter 65.
I also do contracts administration for our church and school.
Ron Gilson, WA2WWK

Aboard the USS Little Rock - a WWII Missile Cruiser in the Buffalo Harbor
July 04, 2019