Craig E. Cobb
Dewitt, NY
QCWA # 35919
Chapter 29
Born in Watertown, New York on April 25 (Marconi's Birthday), 1947. Grew up on a dairy farm near Sackets Harbor, NY. First licensed in 1962 as WV2ZVN (Globe Chief 90A NC-98 80 Meter Half Wave Dipole). Upgraded toGeneral class license in 1963 (Viking Ranger HQ-170C TA-31JR).
Graduated from Clarkson University with BSEE in 1970. Amateur Extra Class 1974 (HW-101 Trap Dipole). Spent 41 years working for New York Telephone, NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, and Verizon (Kenwood TS430S Cushcraft ATV5 Vertical). Worked in both Engineering and Sales across upstate New York. Retired from Verizon 2011. Adjunct Instructor at Syracuse University from 2000 thru 2015. Enjoying CW on 80 thru 10 and PSK31.
Present rig: Kenwood TS 590S and G5RV at 30 feet for (80 & 40), Cushcraft ATV5 vertical (20-10), 17 meter Loop at 30 feet, and Mosley TA31-JR (20, 15, & 10) at 25 feet. Using Kenwood TS 430S and SignaLink USB on PSK31.

April 25, 2015