Rolan O. Clark
Adamstown, MD
QCWA # 33571
Chapter 91
I Graduated from high school in 1957, Osceola, Iowa, picked up my final report card and next day joined the Navy, then:
Great Lakes boot camp
TAD TI California 6 mos.
ETA radar school, TI California 6 mos
USS Estes AGC-12, Amphibous Group Command, communications flag ship, August 58 - Jun 61
Separated from active service from the ship after our second far east cruise, June 1961, and discharged in June 1963.
Back to Iowa in 1961 for a few months then to California and worked for Philco Ford at Vandenburg AFB in the PMEL labs for about 3 yeas
Then one year working for ITT Kellogg on cctv cameras on the launch pad.
Missed the seasons, east coast had a lot of electronics work, moved to the east coast in 1965, Maryland, and been here since.
1966 Novice license
1967 General and Advanced license, FCC in Washington DC
1973 Extra Class, FCC in Washington DC
Worked in calibration and repair labs, two way radio company as well as cable tv with the two way radio company, R&D tech for 20 years then other jobs as a contractor until work ran out somewhere in the 2005 time frame.
I have FEMA 100, 200, 700, 800 and the three ARRL Ecom courses, Sky Warn and other clubs as well as the FCC General Class Radiotelephone license with radar endorsement.
I work phone, digi hf, DSTAR, D-RATS and CW.
My favorite CW tool is a Czech Army surplus key , the RM-31 and the small hand key, the KK-1 from www.americanmorse.com Both keys, to me, have great feel. I have the Bencher paddles and Heathkit keyer but haven't used them in years.
My HF antenna is home brew 43 ft vertical and work 80-10. 43 ft is 5/8 on 20 meters but works good on the other bands. Bottom section is the mast from a HT HYtower and the rest aluminum tubing from diffrent places.
I work HF mobile but in 2013, this year, HF mobile vehicle bit the dust so now have to figure how to get HF radio and antenna into no space on smaller car.
My wife likes the picture of me because it looks like me, I don't like the picture of me because it looks like me.
73 de rolan wa3pbc
November 23, 2014