Jeffrey V. 'Jeff' Bauer
Macungie, PA
QCWA # 36042
Chapter 17
I enjoy HF. My HF shack consists of a Yaesu FT-2000, a Ten Tec Corsair II, a Drake 4C Twins - with Sherwood mods, and a FT-857 for digital modes. The antenna is a bottom tuned inverted L, using a remote SGA Tuner. I also have an Eagle 1 vertical, and end fed dipoles for 40 and 20 meters.
I am learning digital modes; especially experimenting with FDMDV on 14.236 and 7.295 USB or thereabouts.
HF Digital Phone Modes, AOR 9000mk2, FDMDV, WINDRV. Also most digital text modes. I use a Rigblaster plug and play and a Signal Link USB to interface a MAC Mini.
I also have D-Star on 2 meters and 70 cm, with an IC-91AD, and an ID-5100 (installed in my Prius) and an IC-ID800H in the shack. I usually can be found on W3OI_C. I also use a DV Dongle as WA3PNY_D
I look forward to talking with you on the air!
April 2, 2015