David W. 'Dave' Johnson
Front Royal, VA
QCWA # 31702
I served in the US Army Signal Corp.(1963-1966) with most of my duty in Germany. I am retired from ATT (1966-1997) having worked in Network Operations (Arlington, VA), Network Engineering in Washington, DC and Bedminster, NJ, and finally Government Communications again in Washington, DC.
We are blessed with four children and ten grandchildren.
I was first licensed in 1972 as WN4BDT. Amateur Radio has been a great Hobby, particularly post retirement since I now have more time to devote to it. I am a member of a local Radio Club and a member of QCWA (Quarter Century Wireless Association) Chapters 91,119 and 137. I enjoy weekly breakfast fellowship with fellow hams who are also retired here in the Virginia Shenandoah Valley. I am an active ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC). My current amateur radio interests are DXing, the digital modes, antenna construction and rag-chewing.
January 22, 2011