James L. 'Jim' Ammons
Raleigh, NC
QCWA # 38404
First Call: WN4OLI issued in 1976
I was first licensed as a novice on 05/14/1976 as WN4OLI. I upgraded to General soon after receiving my novice and my call was changed to WA4OLI. About two months later, I upgraded again to Advanced. I was very active in the early years of my ham radio career, joining the Cary Amateur Radio Club for several years and calling a 2 meter net one night a week on 146.34/94, and another one called the Possum Trot Net. As my career and family became more demanding of my time, I had to slow down on my ham radio activitys for a number of years. I have pondered changing my call sign to a vanity call several times, but finally decided to keep what I was origionally given as WA4OLI. I give credit to W4AMC, Gilbert, in Robinsonville, NC, for initiating my interest in ham radio. Sadly, Gilbert became a silent key before I passed the novice test. It has been an enjoyable hobby over the years and I have met many wonderful friends through ham radio. Now, as I have increased in age, I have found more time to become active again.
My first station was a FT 101 Yaesu feeding to a diople antenna along with an SB 200 Heathkit amplifier, which was the the first of many Heathkit pojects that I built. My current stations consist of a Kenwood TS 570-D, a Kenwood TS 570-S and an Icom IC - 746, along with an Ameritron AL-811, feeding to a G5RV Inverted V at 50 feet, and tuned through a Dentron Super Tuner. I also have a 40 meter diople fed with 450 ohm twin lead that I mostly use for CW. For 2 meters, I am still using a vintage Kenwood TR 7400-A, feeding to a Hustler G6-144 B vertical fixed antenna at 35 feet. Also, I still use a vintage Icom IC 2AT handheld. Like myself, I have a lot of "older" equiptment packed away that still works very well. Some of them include a Kenwood TS 820 station complete with a scope, antenna tunner, VFO and matcing speaker, along with a new 70 foot 25G Rohn tower that I have had in storage for the past 30 years. I also have a Yaesu FT-7 HF station that I listen to ocasionally at my lake house. You will find me on 20 or 40 meter CW about 95% of the time.
I retired from NC State University in 1995 as a printer/machinist. Since retirement, I have worked for the past 25 years as secretary of the Scottish Rite, which is a Masonic Fraternal organization. I have been a Mason for the past 35 years, and spend much time with them serving in several different positions of leadership, and as the state's head in several organizations. My favorite sayings are: "do what works", and, "if you sit down something will get you". I guess that's why I keep moving every day and going to an office in my retirement years. I have lived in Raleigh, NC all my life, and currently reside only five miles from where I was born and grew up.
All QSL's should be sent direct and I will promptly return one. SKCC# is 22406. Thank you again for visting my site and best of 73.....
Jim Ammons

January 10, 2021