James H. 'Jim' Goodrich
Nashville, TN
QCWA # 36663
Chapter 115
I received my Novice ticket WN4VGZ in September of 1964 while still in high school in Nashville, TN. First rig was a Heathkit DX60B and a Hallicrafters SX-110 and a 40 meter dipole. ( Crystal controlled on 3 or 4 frequenices of course ) hi hi.
Upgraded to General class in March of 1966 and "finally" upgraded to Amateur Extra in December of 2012. My wife Cathy KK4IWN got her Technician licence 2012 and upgraded to General a few months later and also PASSED her Amateur Extra in December of 2012. What a team we are...... hi hi
Joined the US Navy in 1967, served aboard 3 Nuclear Attack Submarines as a First Class Sonar Technician stationed on the East Coast. I received a honorable discharge from the Navy in 1974. USS Dace SSN-607, USS Greenling SSN-614 and the USS Haddo SSN-604.
Retired after 32 years as an Electronics Technician at Hamilton Sundstrand, Windsor Locks, CT.
ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator for the Tennessee Section January 2014.
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
January 2014, assumed the duties of Net Manager of the Local ARRL NTS VHF Nashville/Davidson County Traffic Net.
Member of ARRL, ARES and Skywarn and the Past Vice President of the Nashville Amateur Radio Club here in Nashville, TN. k4cpo.org
Actively involved in our local CERT- Community Emergency Response Team (G2R CERT). www.g2r-cert.org
Other interests include Emergency Communications, Digital modes and NBEMS using the Fldigi software suite, APRS, NTS and Winlink and Genealogy when I'm not hamming.
Using a Kenwood TS-480 with Ham Radio Deluxe and a G5RV at 35 feet.
Personal Wordpress Amateur Radio web site wa4vgz.wordpress.com
Worked All States Award August 2013
DXCC Award March 2014
ARRL Life member - July 2014 at the ARRL Centennial Convention in Hartford.
QSL via LoTW or Direct ( SASE appreciated ) if you need Tennessee and eQSL (AG).
April 26, 2015