Michael D. Walters
Bedford, TX
QCWA # 32254
Chapter 72
First licensed as WN5ICA in 1963, in Jena, Louisiana, I was an electronics engineer with the FAA from 1976 until the end of 2009, when I retired. Living in Bedford, Texas, since 1982, married with two (grown) children and a pug.
Now using an IC-7000 mounted in my Nissan Titan, I am interested in CW and SSB on 40 through 6 meters. I am also active on JT65, JT9, and RTTY.
I am proud that, after 48 years as a ham, I have recently completed WAS (basic, CW, and Digital) and DXCC (basic and phone).
My FISTS # is 10405, QCWA # is 32254. QSL preferred via LOTW, also direct or buro. I am no longer in eQSL, too much bother (i.e. $$).
My weblog is at http://wa5ica.us/. My online log is at http://wa5ica.us/phphamlog/view.php (latest contacts below).
Special thanks to Robert Wagner, WA5FRZ (SK), who helped and inspired me to become a ham. You are missed.
November 13, 2014