Daniel I. 'Dan' Simon
Solvang, CA
QCWA # 38757
Chapter 7
First Call: WA6EJW issued in 1958
I ran across the group's website and felt that I could profit from being associated with HAM's in my general age group (82) and profit from their levels of experience. My first license (Technician) was issued in 1957/58. I kept it alive for many years, renewing it when required. Several years ago I was advised that I could upgrade to General without taking any tests and I did that quickly (before the FCC changed its mind). In the interim, I had spent some time on 6 and 2 meters on local repeaters in the Los Angeles area. My upgrade to General was timely, as I had to undergo major hip surgeries (twice on the same hip) and was basically house bound or in bed for an extended period of time. Fortunately, there are two HAMS in the Santa Ynez Valley (AA6DW) and AB6JK who assisted me with getting back on the air (mostly HF and the local repeater). Both of these guys are the true representation of Elmers.
In the interim, I have begun to wind down my legal practice. Having graduated from UCLA Law School in 1965, I feel it is about time to live a more normal life. My practice had taken me all over the world; it was fun and fascinating to spend a lot of time in Europe, South America, Asia, Caribbean, although Russia was not so much fun as the other places. I taught law school in Russia, and spoke to various audiences there as well. The positive sum total of my Russian experiences was tasting the best vodka in the world. In my early days of practice, I worked for one of the Howard Hughes enterprises and learned a great deal about life and business--a fascinating experience. I served as a Judge Pro Temp in Los Angeles Muni Court on various occasions. Also, I am a member of the Cowboy Lawyers Association, where I used to go on trail rides, camp out, and enjoy the companionship of fellow attorneys and judges. I also have two daughters and five grandchildren, all of whom inherited my brilliance and charm (enough said about that).
The last couple of years have really opened my eyes to the world of contemporary HAM radio. It has changed significantly since my early days when I built my own equipment, one-tube wonders with hand wound coils. At night, when I cranked them up, our house phone would ring and local neighbors would complain to my Dad that I was wiping out "Uncle Miltie" and would he please "shut his son down." Also, I'm sure you recognize that current equipment is fantastic, confusing, effective and expensive. I'm still in the process of understanding the new hardware. I'm using a Kenwood TS440 for HF and a Yaseu Quad Band for VHF/UHF. I have a ground plane for the Yaseu, and a vertical for the Kenwood where spend a great deal of time on FT8. In the last couple of years I've earned WAS, etc., and have about 3800 contacts (mostly on FT8 and FT4). My wife, Pat, and I escaped from LA about 30 years ago and now live on a 20 acre ranch in the hills above Solvang--some of the best wine made in California.
The attached picture is me in Yekaterinburg, Russia about 10 years ago;
July 02, 2022