Andrew G. 'Andy' Romanisky
Northridge, CA
QCWA # 25453
My introduction to ham radio was when I build electronic kits as a kid in 1961. After becoming enthusiastic about making radio contacts with people around the world, I knew that this was going to be a life-long hobby.
I learned my electronics trade beginning with my service in the US NAVY (Aviation Electronics Tech) flying as an Aircrewman aboard P2V-7 Neptunes & P-3 Orion aircraft. Later I worked for several years in the Aerospace Industries before getting involved with law enforcement work. Along with my career, I enjoyed working in Avionics assigned to the California Air National Guard Reserves involved with C-130 Hercules aircraft. I eventually retired as a Msgt (E-7) from my duties.
My activities in ham radio vary from working local VHF/UHF repeaters to making contacts via HF radio local & DX. Over 40 years in ham radio have given me the opportunity to meet with lots of people over the years. My greatest joy has been the opportunity to travel to every part of the world to actually meet HAMS that I have talked to on-the-radio. I have visited with hams in many countries such as: Russia, China, Thailand, Japan, Brazil, England, on & on. What experiences ! What adventures !
In recent years I now vacation each year in the Caribbean. We usually travel to our timeshare resort in St. Martin Island and operate HF ham radio while there.
I also enjoy helping out with local "Disaster Communications Services" with events throughout the year. I belong to a couple of VHF/UHF repeater groups & I'm a member of the Southern California DX CLUB.
Listen for me on most HF bands ... some HF mobiling ... local ragchewing or DX ... it's HAM RADIO either way.
October 7, 2014