WA7SRZ - May 10, 2018
James A. 'Jim' Rockey
Lynnwood, WA
QCWA # 33364
Chapter 103
First Call: WA7SRZ
James Anthony Rockey died on May 10, 2018 in Lynnwood, WA due to complications with his heart. He was 76 years old.
Jim was born on March 4, 1942 in Seattle, WA to parents Cosmo and Carmelita Rockey. He graduated from the OâDea High School in 1960 and married Irene. The Rockeyâs moved to Lynnwood where Jim managed Sno-King Drive-In. After his divorce, he married Sandi in 1985. He retired in 2003 and dedicated his retirement to golf, ham radio and his family.
Jim is survived by his wife Sandra, his two sons, Nick and Erik, Nickâs wife Eileen and two stepdaughters, Shannon and Teresa.
There will be a graveside service on May 31, 2018 at Holyrood Cemetery at 1:00pm. A reception will be from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at the Nile Country Club. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Jimâs life.
From Our Living Heritage
I've been licensed since 1972. Callsign is the original one I was given.
Equipment is the Yaesu FT-5000 .I also have a Yaesu FT-847 as a back up. W2IHY, 8 Band Eq and Eq Plus is the audio. Main Antenna is a Traffie hex beam. Amp. Yaesu VL-1000. Also Dipoles for 40M,80M, at 30 feet. 2M/440M Vertical. I now have a Homebrew 4 Element 6m Beam on a 10 ft. boom.