Robert L. 'Bob' Wilson`
Oregon, WI
QCWA # 36097
Chapter 55
I just recently got back into ham radio after decades away. I had novice and technician calls back in the 1950s as a teenager, then somehow got too busy with life. I did pick up a first class commercial 'phone ticket while in college, sort of by accident, and that got me a job the summer between college and grad school (as a newlywed) that fed us, and I have been the person everyone I knew went to for electronics questions and repairs, but just last December I got technician and general licenses and went on to extra in April.
I hope to be active mostly on HF SSB, some CW, and get into digital modes that of course are all new since my earlier time. I know a fair bit about computers and about radios, now I need to pull them together!
I have now rebuilt a Kenwood TS-830S "boat anchor" and will get around to my 820 when I find time, but I also got a Yaesu FT-950 to try to find my way into the current century. I have had lots of health issues and am now recovering from spine surgery, that have slowed down my getting active.
I spent most of my career as a math teacher, also some time as a consultant and working Silicon Valley as approximately the "real world", retired in January 2009 from University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Hope to meet you on the air!
73, Bob, WA9D
January 5, 2015