James P. 'Jim' Oathout
Crystal, MN
QCWA # 35505
Chapter 8
First licensed in the summer of 1973 as WNØKZB and became WBØKZB in late 1974. I love to rag-chew and collect QSL cards and can usually be found on 75 meters (CW and SSB) in the morning or 17 meters (SSB) in the evening. Just starting to get into the digital modes. Member ARRL, QCWA-8, Breakfast Club.
Below is a pictures of the station (Icom 718, Dentron amp, HRD software, and my first SSB radio: a Heathkit SB-102) and the antennas: A ground mounted Hustler BTV with 64 radials for 75-10 meters. There's also a dipole for 75 meters, A bottom fed Delta loop for 17 meters, and a copper-pipe j-pole for 144/440 both up about 30 feet. The Hustler 4-BTV with 75, and 12 meter add-ons is the model antenna I've used since 1974, because it works. There's also an HW-16/HG-10B being restored. That's the very first radio I had and it logged my very first contact on May 30, 1974 with then WNØKHQ.