Director 2006 - 2010
Carolyn Harrison
Bolivar, MO 65613-0467
QCWA # 30240
Chapter 180, 63 & 120
I've been an amateur radio operator since 1975 and currently hold an Advanced license. I am a life member of QCWA. With my husband Gary, KØBC, and others I helped build the Bolivar, MO repeater and participated in starting the local radio club. Currently I'm Vice President of QCWW Chapter 120 and a past officer of Foothills of the Ozarks Chapter 180. I graduated from college with a BA degree in 1967.
For 10 years, I was President of Polk County Christian Social Ministries, a local charity serving over 1,250 people a year and distributing Christmas baskets of food and gifts to 450 families annually. I have served in leadership positions in my Church. I have been a communications volunteer for the local MS 150 Bike Marathon.
I have enjoyed making acquaintances at several QCWA chapter meetings as well as Conventions and I am looking forward to making more friends in the future.
December 18, 2015