Dale M. Hauck
Huron, OH
QCWA # 36747
I originally became interested in Ham Radio in the early 60's. Many of my friends were hams and they encouraged me to become a ham. I traveled to the Buffalo NY office of the FCC in 1965 and took the Novice test, passed and was awarded call sign WN2ENX. Several months later I again went to Buffalo and took the General Class test and passed and my call sign was changed to WB2ENX. My rig at that time consisted of a Hallicrafter's SX-28 (with a product detector), a Heathkit DX-60 Xmiter and a homebrew vertical antenna with the loading coil inside the shack - this makes for lots of stray RF inside! I did homebrew a couple of single band CW Xmiters for 20 and 40 meters. Built a 12AU7 phone xmiter for 75 meters mobile and fooled around with any surplus equipment that I could get my hands on. I primarily worked 20 and 40 CW.
I left ham radio for many years and decided to return recently. I passed the Tech. test and submitted paperwork to prove that I was a Gen. class ham in 1967 and was given credit for that portion of the test. I was given call sign KE8ATS. I filed with the FCC to get my old call sign back and was OK'd by the FCC and as of 4/21/2015 I will once again be WB2ENX. My station now consists of a Kenwood TS-440S/AT, MFJ-969 DeLuxe Versa Tuner II, a Radiowavz Pathfinder Mk I and a MFJ-1796 Vertical.
Took the Amateur Extra exam this evening 6/16/2020 and I passed!!!!