Joel B. Schwartz
Bangor, PA
QCWA # 32894
Chapter 17
First Call: WB3IWC issued in 1978
I have been interested in Ham Radio ever since I was a boy but had no Elmer or guidance. I got into the hobby in the 70's and am active in AFMARS (retired Air Force, was a Flight Medic Examiner on C-121G's, and PaANG), HFdigital modes, VHF/UHF, HF portable/mobile ops and DX.
Memberships include ARRL, Frankfort Radio Club (FRC), Delaware-Lehigh Radio Club (DLARC), Quarter Century Wireless Association (president Chapter 17 Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton).
My station consists of an Icom 756 Pro 3 (with an AL-80A), an Icom 756 Pro (with an AL80B), an Icom 271H all mode, an Icom 471A all mode and an Icom 706 MK 2G in the mobile. The antenna farm consists of a Force 12-C3 on a Rohn tower at 65 feet, 6 meter, 2 meter and 440 boomers on a Rohn tower at 56 feet and a 160 meter dipole fed with ladder line on a 50 foot crank up tower.
Other hobbies include RV camping with my wife and dogs, working with my Therapy Dogs in schools and hospitals, kayaking, hunting, fishing, hiking, backpacking, biking (pedal), snowshoeing and just being retired. .
October 19, 2019