Harold A. 'Hal' Weeden
Maryville, TN
QCWA # 37259
My first exposure to ham radio was in the shack of K4CNK, "Duke" (SK), back in the 1960s. I probably would have become a ham when I was young if I lived close to Duke year-round instead of just in the summers. Duke was one of the true gentlemen of the hobby. For several years I considered applying for his call, but I don't think I will ever be worthy of signing as K4CNK. My call was KD4EDH from 1991 until early 2004.
My primary interest has been in emergency communications. I started as a teenager in 1974 by forming my own CB Channel 9 monitoring group, first under my father's callsign of KAAZ-5604, and later under my own call of KBHU-2688.
From that start, I continued a career in emergency services. I was an EMT for the Scott County (VA) Life Saving Crew (1980-1988), and a firefighter with the Gate City (VA) Fire Department (1988-1995). While I was stationed at Lowry AFB, Colorado (1984-1987), I was a firefighter/EMT with the Sable-Altura Fire Department (Aurora, CO) and volunteered with Platte Valley Ambulance in Brighton, CO. I was a full-time 9-1-1 operator/dispatcher for the City of Kingsport (TN) from 1994 until 1998.
During the next 16 years I continued my emergency service as a senior member of the Kingsport Lifesaving Crew, a reserve firefighter for the City of Maryville, and a reserve deputy with the Blount County Sheriff's Office. After 29 years as an EMT and 20 years as a firefighter, I have stepped back from both fields.
I served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force 1983-1987, then in the Air Force Reserve until I returned to full-time active military duty in 1998. I retired from the Air Force in 2014 and the next day stepped back into a full-time public safety career as a deputy sheriff, working as a patrolman.
I was licensed and operated as YI9B4E from the US Embassy in Baghdad in 2005. That odd callsign caused lots of confusion on the bands, but it was legitimate from the Iraqi govenment, and that's what happens when you have non-amateurs issuing call signs. During my brief time in Iraq, I became an ARRL VE as some our Army guys wanted to get licensed. Myself, KC4XX, and AB3AC conducted the first-ever US FCC amateur testing session in Iraq on May 30th, and five new technician licenses were issued! Most of those guys had to travel via a heavily armed convoy just to take the test!
I am active with the Blount County Emergency Communications Service (ARES/RACES), serving as a county Assistant Emergency Coordinator (Liaison).
I am interested in DX, and occasionally participate in the 3905 Century Club Nets. I am a past-president of the Smoky Mountain Amateur Radio Club, and the founding secretary-treasurer of the Scott County (VA) Amateur Radio Society. I QSL through the bureau or direct, and I do participate in ARRL's Logbook of the World program. I do not accept e-QSLs. My 10-X Number is 74267. My QCWA number is 37259.
My daughters, Cloi and Emily, are normal people (non-hams).
73, Hal
January 03, 2017