Larry C. Gunter
Austin, TX
QCWA # 27938
Chapter 67
I was first licensed in March 1970 as a freshman in college. I enjoyed operating our school club station (W5PXZ - Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas) with the other guys in our club. After graduation in December 1973 (BSEE), my activity varied over the next few years due to work activities, but I never became completely inactive, even after I went to graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin. I have held each of the five classes of licenses available, getting my Extra in the mid 80's. I have been fairly active in the VE program since then and still help on most of the ARRL/VEC sessions in the Austin area. My current hobby interests are mostly QRP and CW on HF and daily QSOs on VHF and UHF for mobile operation. I enjoy working DX when the available time, bands, and conditions permit. I have now retired and plan to be more active, especially on HF.
I prefer to QSL via the BURO.
Larry WB5BEK

SOTA activation at W5T/CI-001 on Emory Peak in Big Bend National Park on February 1, 2014

SOTA activation on Mt. Locke W5T/DE-003 on Jan. 30, 2016. Thanks to Chuck, KA5PVB for making the arrangements for access to Mt. Locke and Apache Mountain.

SOTA activation on Apache Mountain (6411) - W5T/DW-018 on January 30, 2016. Many thanks to Terry K5TDA for access to this site.

NPOTA - Ft. Davis National Historic Site - NS19 on January 31, 2016

NPOTA activation - Big Thicket National Preserve - PV04 on April 9, 2016

NPOTA activation on December 17, 2016 -- TR20 -- El Camino de los Tejas (McKinney Falls State Park near Austin, Texas)
June 17, 2017