Robert E. 'Bob' Ideker
Little Rock, AR

QCWA # 22582
Chapter 158
WB5BI - Robert E. 'Bob' Ideker
First Call: WA5IXM issued in 1963       Other Call(s): WB5VUH & KC5BI

I was first licensed as WA5IXM back in 1963 (age 16) in Pine Bluff Arkansas. I am very lucky to have come from a ham radio family background with both my dad, Art (W5CAM) -SK- Jan. 2000, and older brother Jim (W5FVM) -SK- May 1985, being licensed many years before I became interested in this great hobby. I later upgraded and accepted WB5VUH as my new callsign from the FCC.

There is a funny family story that happened when I first got my "General" ticket and both my dad and brother who were already licensed as "Advanced" Class Operators. I was so excited when I got my General License and so I called both of them to ask if they would get on 75 meters. Dad lived about 50 miles away in Pine Bluff (my birthplace) and my brother who lived in Houston TX at the time. While we were having our 3-way QSO on the "General" portion of the bands only to accomodate my license level of General Class when my brother said, "hey dad, lets go to the ADVANCED Class portion of the band to continue this QSO". Somewhat shocked, I immediately said, "hey, hold on guys, I can't operate down there with only my General Class license. Then Jim said, "that's right, little brother - we'll talk to you later when you upgrade!" --- Man, talk about incentive licensing!!! 3 months later, I upgraded to the Advanced Class and we resumed our QSO's but now in the ADVANCED portions of the band we laughed about that for years and was well pre-planned by my brother with dad's help to get me to upgrade Then, I became an Extra Class Operator a few years later, and kidded him to do an upgrade himself

In 1989, it was my pleasure to serve as the President of the Central Arkansas Radio Emergency Net (CAREN) club. Then later, was elected as the ARRL Arkansas Section Manager from 1990-1994 (2 terms) enjoying the fun and fellowship during my terms. In April, 2000, I returned to the position of SM for another 2 years. GREAT EXPERIENCES and I had LOTS of fun.

In 1992, I served as the President of Chapter 158 (Central Arkansas) in the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA).

I have completed several FEMA courses including: 100, 200, 700, 800, and others for a completion of 24 courses. These are good courses and I've learned a lot from them.

I retired on 8/31/2011 and in May, 2012, my wife and I moved to Lake Havasu City Arizona. We really like it here and the hams are as great and looking forward to making new friends as well as the great hams I've met over the years.

When running mobile,I use a homemade Screwdriver antenna made by longtime friend, Dick, W5VUB. I continue to get nice comments about my signal frommy Icom7000 after having my microphone modfied. See: (Bob Nagy (AB5N) at http://www.7000mic.com/

My military expences includes the Arkansas National Guard and Army Reserve with promotions to the rank of Captain, (Enlisted for 4 years and then applied/accepted for OCS in 1970) for 14 years, in what else, the Signal Corp with training at Fort Gordon Georgia (Augusta - where the Masters is played - tough job but SOMEBODY had to do it!

I am a Life Member of both the ARRL and QCWA.

In the Boy Scouts, I obtained the rank of Eagle Scout, a Vigil Honor member in the Order of the Arrow, and was privledged to be elected as the Lodge Chief for the Quapaw Area Council, Lodge #160 in the mid 60's.

My degree is in Organizational Management from John Brown University.

My working career included working for the Entergy Corporation (an electric utility company) for 28 years and the Southwest Power Pool (also associated with the electric utility industry) for 13 years. I retired on August 31, 2011. Lake Havasu City is the home of the famous London Bridge, the place where all of the kids like to come during Spring Break and is the Snowbird Capital of the United States. hi hi I'm looking forward spending time on the air - both SSB and PSK. I hope to make contact with you soon.

WB5BI - Robert E. 'Bob' Ideker

February 18, 2020