WB5DCU - August 30, 2011
Wilmer O. Kinsey
Sherman, TX
QCWA # 28634
Chapter 193
Wilmer O. Kinsey, WB5DCU, Texas native and long time Sherman resident, passed away early Tuesday evening, August 30, 2011, in his home. Probably best known as the voice of Grayson County SkyWARN weather nets, Wilmer has long been looked upon as the organizing force behind all volunteer ham radio activities in the area.
From Scouts to people of all ages Wilmer was always there to help. He was a volunteer instructor, volunteer examiner, a member of Grayson County CERT Team Alpha and CERT communications coordinator; He served as the Emergency Coordinator for Grayson County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and as Texas State Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) County Liaison Officer.
With over 35 years of public service, Wilmer was instrumental in setting up and later updating the Sherman EOC amateur radio equipment. While doing this work, Wilmer co-founded both the SkyWARN program in Grayson County and ARES where he begain as Assistant Emergency Coordinator. Later, when Grayson County established their own EOC, Wilmer designed and set up the amateur radio station there.
Wilmer was the recipient of membership into the American Radio Relay League.s prestigious A-1 Operator Club. Membership is only granted upon unsolicited recommendation of other members, based upon exemplary operating practices, sound judgment, and courtesy. Wilmer was the recipient of the Grayson County Volunteer of the Year Award in 2010.
A spokesman for the Grayson County Amateur Radio Club PIO, had this to say, .Wilmer was possibly the finest man I ever had the pleasure of meeting; in or out of ham radio. He was an inspiration to our whole organization. I fear we will feel the effects of Wilmer passing for many years to come. Personally, I am crushed..
Obituary/biography: ARRL North Texas Section
Photo #1: www.K5GCC.us