Craig J. Coley
Burleson, TX
QCWA # 38837
First Call: WN5KUO issued in 1974
I have been an electronics hobbyist since age 7 when I built my first Heathkit and a ham since age 13. I was granted WN5KUO in 1974 and became WB5KUO with a General Class about a year later. I currently hold an Extra Class license, a VE for ARRL and W5YI, and GROL with Radar Endorsement. Professionally I am the Product Design Lead for a small avionics company and am listed as inventor on 11 US patents.
All of my base station and mobile equipment can be operated remotely by laptop, tablet or smartphone. All HF base station rigs are SDRs including multiple Hobby PCB RS-HFIQ SDRs processed with PowerSDR and Quisk with one connected to a 750W homebrew LDMOS amplifier. For VHF base I have a Yaesu FTM-7250D, and Airspy HF+ to monitor APRS. Base station antennas are a 135 foot all band NVIS TFD at 8 feet, EFHW 80m-10m Vee, a Shakespeare 24 foot marine whip with 9:1 UNUN, and a TRAM 1480 2m/70cm vertical in the attic. All antennas except the Shakespeare are completely invisible from the street to the casual observer.
Mobile rig is an ICOM IC-7100 with IC-AH4 coupler and Hustler HF and VHF antennas. The mobile setup also includes a Windows 10 PC, secondary lithium battery, and solar charger. This configuration allows the vehicle to be parked and the radio equipment operated from a laptop or iPad outside the vehicle or in a nearby shelter.
Website: www.craigjcoley.com
December 24, 2022