Arthur H. 'Rusty' Snell III
Crowley, TX
QCWA # 36526
Chapter 72
My interest in radios started as a youngster listening to my brothers (check out Jim - WA5PMO) Hammarlund HQ-110 while he was away at college. I was first licensed as a Novice as WN5SHV in 1976 (along with my school buddy Scott - NX7U) and upgraded to General in 1977. I was very active in ham radio from 1976 through the mid 1980's with several years of inactivity until the late 90's. I passed the Advanced license in 2000.
My station equipment includes: a new Kenwood TS-990 with LDG DM-990 meters (and Samsung 19" and 21" monitors), Yaesu FT-2000 and DMU (currently boxed up and could be for sale), Swan 500CX, Hammarlund HQ-170, Kenwood TM-D710 dual band, Kenwood THF6A and Icom IC-32AT handhelds, Astron RS-35M power supply, Palstar DL2K dummy load and AT2K tuner, and a Radio Shack Pro-2055 scanner.
In the summer of 2012, I added a US Tower TX438 crankup with Tennadyne T-8 and T-28 Log Periodic antennas. I've also used a Carolina Windom for 80-10 and a broadband folded dipole for shortwave listening. Another rig I have used and works well is a Kenwood TS-850 that is borrowed from a friend. I use MacLogger for logging and DX clusters and I always attempt to QSL 100%.
The Swan 500CX has been with me since I upgraded to General those many years ago and I bought it used in late 1976. My Novice station was a Johnson Viking Ranger and my brothers Hammarlund HQ-110. I like 10 - 40 meters DX, SSB and CW as well as short wave listening and I've also enjoyed over the years antique tube AM radios from the 1940's and 50's ... a really fun side hobby to my interest in ham radio. My QTH in Crowley is south of Fort Worth.
73 and Good DX! - Rusty
November 8, 2014