Ronald M. 'Ron' Collings
Davis, CA
QCWA # 25370
I took my test for my license on July 16, 1967 and received my license WB6ZEI on October 6, 1967 some 44+ years ago. Born in Los Angeles California many, many years ago, retired from public service in 1999, now living in Davis, California some 75 miles ENE of San Francisco California and a short drive 15 miles west of Sacramento California.
Did move from Southern California to northern California in March of 2005 as my bride Dawn (KF6NGX) is now working for UC Davis, she is a supervisor of the maps department. Have a Honda Gold Wing GL-1500 SEE "Special Exceptive Edition" motorcycle with a Kenwood TM-641AEX tri-band with 2/220/440. I am a life member of (GWRRA) Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Life member of (AMA) American Motorcycle Association, Life member of (QCWA) Quarter Century Wireless Association, Life member of (ARRL) Amateur Radio Relay League and life member of (REACT) Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams.
Founder and former CEO of (MARC) Motorcycle Amateur Radio Club see W6NIT on QRZ for more details about (GWARC) Gold Wing Amateur Radio Club. Do have a GMRS license WQAR833. Do a lot more motorcycle rides now since we have moved to northern California, there are lot of roads to explore up here from the Oregon line to the north and from the Pacific Ocean to the Nevada state line. My base station is a Kenwood TS-2000 using a G5RV at 38' at the apex, also have a Kenwood TM-641AEX tri-band with 2/220/440 on base, on 927 MHz I am using a Motorola Spectra E7, and my bride Dawn (KF6NGX) also has a Kenwood TM-641AEX tri-band 2/220/440 mounted in her car along with her Kenwood TK-981H for 927 MHz.
Enjoy doing volunteer work with the Davis Police Department, program called (VIPS), Volunteer in Police Service volunteering about 500 hours a year, also a member of (LEVOC), Law Enforcement Volunteers of California. Do volunteer work for the Office of the Governor for the state of California. Belong to the CACTUS intertie repeater UHF 440 MHz system for 25 years and the PATIO radio network UHF 440 MHz repeater system in northern California, central Oregon, and southern Washington.
The new 927 MHz systems in northern California [NC9RS] [Northern California 900 Repeater System] is great as DoD as taken away our 440 MHz in northern California. Have a Motorola Spectra (E7) on base . Also use a Motorola MTX-9000 hand held while motorcyclemobile using the speakermike.
May 5, 2013