Richard O. Reed
Chesapeake, VA
QCWA # 26909
First licensed in 1967 as WN8YXH
Am an Orthodox Priest with ROCOR
Retired US Navy; served as a Hospital Corpsman, FMF, then as a Medical Service Corps Officer, FMF; before that I was an US Army Reserve Medic.
Currently using a Yaesu FT-2000 into a G5RV at 100 watts and also an ole Kenwood TS830S !
Interested in DX as well as CW, with phone thrown in. Please bear with me, as I am a little choppy with my CW as I get going again. I have always used a straight key and continue to! And now I am working on Digital: PSK31...JT65... as well
SKCC #8053T; FIST #15604; 10-10 # 14578; EPC # 16301
I am a firm believer in QSL Cards and enjoy sending them and receiving them so:
Primarily == PREFER Direct and LOTW, then QRZ, EQSL (Ag) or QSL Bureau
Willing to assist as a QSL Manager if any DX Stations need someone to help out.
Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) - Free lifetime membership
The SKCC is for CW only using straight keys, sideswipers (=cooties) and bugs. If you're a slow code operator or just learning Morse code, SKCC is the place for you with its CW elmers. SKCC "contests" are fun and relaxed events and no one is out to break any CW speed records, as people of all levels of code ability participate.
SKCC #8053T
God Bless y'all
December 30, 2016