John E. Germanos
St Louis, MO
QCWA # 30593
Chapter 19
All QSO's are uploaded to LOTW.
QSL Direct: All QSL Cards received Direct, I will return Direct. No need to send any IRC or $$.
QSL Bureau: All qsl cards received via bureau, I will return via bureau.
My station consists of an Icom 7700, Icom 9100 and Icom PW1 Amplifier.
HF antennas: Bencher Skyhawk 20/15/10 Meter Tribander at 52 feet, Inverted V for 40 and 80 meters, Cushcraft A3WS for 12, 17, with 30 meter add-on at 35 feet.
I am also active on 6m, 2m, 70cm, 23cm, 10GHz and 24GHz.
I enjoy Chasing DX and Ragchewing. I am a member of QCWA(30593), MVDXCC, SLAMS, Central States VHF Society and ARRL.
I am currently the secretary/treasurer of QCWA Chapter 19 .
I have two sons: Nick (KC0NOU) and Elias.
DXCC Honor Roll 342/339
VUCC 6m, 2m, 10GHz, Satellite
October 11, 2015