Richard E. 'Rick' Connor
Tabernacle, NJ
QCWA # 23616
Callsigns: WN2RGY 1964-1965; WB2NPE 1965-1985; WC2K since 1985
Santa Claus delivered a Knight Kit (Allied Radio) model "Span Master" receiver kit and I assembled it while on Christmas vacation at age 10. Began SWLing and learning radio electronics. First licensed as WN2RGY at age 11; W2ORA (now SK) administered my novice exam in his dining room. With money earned cutting lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow, and delivering newspapers, I gathered the necessary parts, built an 807 CW transmitter, and began working stations on 15 and 40 meters using a HyGain 18V vertical and the super-regen receiver - no BFO and no radials under that vertical. Soon, I upgraded to a Heathkit GR91 superhet and buried a few radials - much better results! I've never lost the thrill with wireless communications - it's still my favorite hobby!
I've been married to Janice for 34+ years and together we raised 4 wonderful sons. The joy continues with 2 grand-daughters and 2 grandsons! My wife has cooperated with a 5-tower antenna farm, an HF receiver on the head-board, constant radio chatter from speakers all around the home, and 10 straight years of hosting multiop contesting. I nominate Janice for the XYL Hall of Fame!
Amateur Affiliations: American Radio Relay League (life member), South Jersey Radio Association (life member), Quarter Century Wireless Association (life member), Jersey Devil Repeater Association (life member), Mount Airy VHF Radio Club (The "Pack Rats"), and Camden County RACES.
Professional Affiliations: Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO), National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE).
Hams who have had the patience to teach and inspire me: W2PAU SK, W2OSD SK, N3CX SK, W3RJW, W3KM, W2EKB, N2KDV, and WB6ACU. (Joe, I am an analog man for sure!) Thank you, gentlemen! And to my long-time radio pals N2SB, WB2RVX, KE2OI, WA2VYA, and all of the "Pack Rats", thanks for the great times working the contests from Spruce Knob, Clearfield, Hilltown, Calvert Cliffs, and Tabernacle!
I am equipped for CW and SSB operation on all amateur bands from 1.8 MHz through 5.7 GHz. I especially enjoy building equipment and antennas for use on the VHF/UHF/SHF bands. When you're in and around SNJ, catch me on the 145.390 repeater, 91.5 PL.
50 through 5760 MHz VUCC
73, de Rick WC2K
June 15, 2015