Kay L. Pye
Ruskin, FL
QCWA # 37053
Chapter 120
I have been a ham since 1977. What a wonderful world! My OM N4FBS was my engineer. He has been a silent key since Oct of 1990. My naked African Grey, Mickey Bird and my old dog, Sport, (22 & 16 yrs old respectively) are still hanging in there. I am still Selling Florida sand & swamp (Real Estate) but have just signed up for social security! I have only two grandkids, both in Baton Rouge, La. I cannot seem to get them interested in Ham Radio! I am still with PAUL B. DICKMAN, INC., REALTORS, RUSKIN, FL. 33570 Not much else new or exciting! See ya on 40 meter CW! 73/88 Kay L. Pye P. S. June 5, 2001 My poor old Dog is now a Silent Dog. He had a good life, but it sure is hard to lose a good friend after so many years. It was really one of the harder things in life that I have had to do. But now he is resting in peace and may be up there with N4FBS preparing my radio station in the sky! email: kaylpye@verizon.net
March 22, 2002 UPDATE ON MICKEY BIRD - my african grey LAID AN EGG! Now I know she is a girl. She is a feather plucker and has been naked for 20 yrs. Maybe I can put a pix in of her! June 2003 Well, I went into pet store to get device to STOP neighbor's dog from barking. Came out with Min Pin - 3 months old 3.5 lbs. I missed Sport so bad - now Buddie Dawg will make up for him. Buddie is going to be a house dog - already spoiled. See ya on 40 mtr CW. Aug 22, 2003 Well, we have a trainer for Buddie Dawg - we are learning slow, but will get trained soon. Somehow I feel we are supposed to be teaching the Dog we are Boss and am sure it has reversed. What a stubborn little dog he is! One good thing tho he barks when he has to go out in the middle of the night, so I am getting lots of CW time in! 73 5/11/04 Well, I got in my 27 ft RV - went to my 50th class reunion - most still kicking high - fun. Buddie Dawg traveled well - loves the RV. He is 11 lbs now and one big muscle. I am still working but trying hard to QRT. 73 update 4/17/05 No news of any importance to report. All still same here - working hard - market is HOT so guess get it while getting is good. Will probably be on cane or chair and still peddling sand & swamp hihi. 73
Dec 22, 2008 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Market is cold now, so not hard to slow down. Still on 40 CW and 20 SSB. Hope to see you there. Sold that RV and Buddie Dawg is now almost 6 yrs now and 17 lbs and a ball of energy. Mickey bird is going to be 32 and still plucking feathers. 73, Kay
Well, another year has passed and there is nothing new to report. Kenwood is out of order, so cw is rusty. Mickey & Buddy are still around. I am getting grey but they are the same. See ya on the air. 73/88 Have a happy day! Kay Pye Another year has come and gone (Dec 13, 2009) All is well here. Had stent placed and now can breathe again. Keep on working but very slow. CUL 73/88 Kay Pye
Oct 14, 2010 Another year gone again, how time flies. No news from here. Get on 20 meters at night, when phone doesn't ring. CUL 73/88
July 6, 2011 Time is slipping away. I turned 75 in May, my poor ole TR7 bit the dust along with my faithful Kenwood 440S. Time to get rid of all my ole clunkers, I guess. Tragedy stuck again on June 28, 2011. My poor ole naked Mickey Bird suffered a stroke. She would have been 34 on July 17. I miss her whistling in the middle of the night when I raid the crackers. She is being cremated and I will spread her on Pye's grave, as she was his bird. She never really liked me, even 20 yrs later. May she rest in peace. I bet she will be the only African Grey in Ruskin Cemetary. 73/88
Feb 1, 2013 Last year was not a fun year. Diagnosed with Stage 3 Peritoneal Ovarian Cancer. Had surgery, then six months of Chemo. Hair fell out - not fun - very cold. Growing back now slowly. Still Grey. Heck of a way to lose weight. Go next week to see if all bad cells are gone, so Pray for me. Shipped my rigs off to be repaired and FEDX fixed beyond repair. Just ordered Icom IC718. Have had 3 cw qsos so far, boy my fist is rusty. Buddy Dawg is going to be 10 March 30, 2013. He is still running and jumping, but seems to know I am not well. I don't think he misses Mickey Bird. So that is my story up to now. Am on 40 meter CW in the wee hours. Habit of a lifetime are hard to break. I am back to work full time and guess I will work til it is my time. It is still fun. CUL 73/88 Kay Pye going on 77 wow time flies!
An another year has come and gone, 2/26/14. Buddy Dawg and I are still kicking. Am having fun with my new rig Cancer gone for now Praise the Lord and thanks for prayers.
March 24, 2013 Every QSO is more fun than the last. Thanks ya'll. Great to be back on the air. Fun to run into folks I haven't talked to in years. My fist will get better, I promise. Thanks for the patience.
May 25, 2013 Just to share my good news. My scans and bloodwork came back that I am now CANCER FREE ! A wonderful world, a great God. Everything is great, one day at a time. Thanks for all the prayers. Keep it up. Now if hair would just grow. Everyone told me it would come back thicker and curly. NOT! My IC 718 is working great, can't say same for fist, but it will get better! 73/see you on the band.
May 26, 2015 Wow, time flew. Two years since I edited this. Going to have a party Sunday on my 79th ! It is hard to believe I am that old. Mirrors don't lie. Like to look without glasses, it is kinder. Old Buddy Dawg is under doctor's care. Lots of money going to vets. I should have taken out insurance on him long ago. Oh well! It is so much fun to run into hams that I haven't spoken with in years. It is like yesterday and no years in between. All is well here, ears ring, hands and feet are numb, every tooth in my head hurts, hair didn't grow, muscles in legs week, cataracts came off, eye lids too, cut the drooping stuff off. Chemo is wonderful stuff! With all that said, I go next month for yearly scan, but God is Good, and I am sure I will be fit as a fiddle. I am ready for whatever. Going to go riverboat cruising next month. Can't wait. So that is my story and I am sticking to it. CU dwn the log.
73/88 Granny Kay WD4HHN
April 28, 2016