Edmund M. 'Ed' Hamlin
Frankfort, NY
QCWA # 36057
Chapter 28
After many years of wishing and wanting, I started in ham radio in 1965 with the callsign WN2FFV from my home in Utica, NY. In 1968, I obtained my Technician license, callsign WA2AAH. I was very active on 2m AM using my Heath "Lunchbox" mobile. I met and became friends with Ernie, K2UPE, who was instrumental in teaching me about what it means to me a ham. You will never find a more patient teacher than "King two uncle peter easy"!
I graduated to 2m FM when I obtained a 1950's era Marconi "boat anchor" in a trade. Later I traded with a VE2-ham for a Marconi solid-state that I used mobile for several years. I married my college sweetheart, Nancy, who is miraculously still with me after over 40 years!!
Upon graduation I was commissioned in the Army and assigned to California, where I stayed active on VHF for a few years. I eventually drifted away from ham radio for about 25 years and let my ticket lapse.
Recently I decided that something was missing in my life. My younger brother had become active in ham radio a few years ago, and after talking with him, I decided to return to ham radio, with a vengeance: after intermediate stops at Tech Plus and Advanced, I eventually obtained my Extra class. I am active on all HF bands, 2m, 220, and 440; and particularly like PSK-31.
For several years I held Ernie's call as a token of respect for someone who was an early positive influence on an impressionable young Novice. I have since taken a 2x1 call that is shorter and reflects my initials as well as my ticket.
June 01, 2015