Paul E. Turner
Aurora, CO
QCWA # 34710
Chapter 58
My first amatuer license was WNØNDC in July of 1975 as a novice. I built a Heathkit DX60B and the Elmer who helped get me licensed taught me how to make custom crystals for this transmitter. My receiver was a Hallicrafters SX-110 which I received from my father in 1962 and this sufficed for my early equipment on the Novice bands. I also received my First Class Radiotelephone License with Radar Endorsement in 1974(GROL now).
I spent four years in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman from 1966-1970. I then joined the Colorado Air National Guard as a reservist and became fulltime as a Medical Technician from September 1970 to August 1983. I then cross trained and became an Avionics technician on the T-43(government Boeing 737)aircraft and repaired radios, search radar,weather radar,TACAN, VOR, Loran, Navigation computers, ILS etcfor the 14 Navigation stations and the cockpit from 1983 to 1998. I spent my last two years as the Colorado ANG Training Supertintendent for all 1400 personnel the COANG. I managed to earn four degrees during this time and I retired in January of 2000 with 34 years of combined military service. I then drove a bus for nine years for RTD and retired for the last time in June 2009.
I have been married to my lovely wife, Linda for 50 years, and we have three children, 46,46, and 50 with nine grandchildren from age 13 to 28. I am a born again Christian, deacon in my church.
As a current Volunteer Examiner for Amateur Licenses and a member of theSouth Metro VE team,I developed a website to help you navigate the testing world in the Denver area. It is: http://southmetroveteam.org You can also test for commercial licenses at the South Metro VE site.
Paul E. Turner
1945 Ensenada St, Aurora, CO 80011-5353
HAM Radio: WGØV ex: W7#216;PET; Echolink node 412280, GERATOL #2564 GERATOL DIRECTOR #664 QCWA #34710
HP: 303-366-6770, Cell 303-910-3276
E-Mail: paullinda@comcast.net
Web Pages:PERSONAL: http://www.paullinda.com, http://www.r1200clc.us
Other Side Of The Mountain Gang: http://www.osomg.org
AIRPORT BOULEVARD BAPTIST CHURCH: http://www.airportbaptist.org
VE Testing Information: http://southmetroveteam.org.
June 28, 2017