The Quarter Century Wireless Association was founded in 1947 to provide an organization for the pioneers of the hobby to gather. QCWA promotes friendship and cooperation among Amateur Radio operators who were licensed at least a quarter century ago, and are licensed today.
More on our history can be found on other pages on this site.
39,388 membership numbers have been assigned since 1947 by Headquarters. QCWA does not re-issue any member's QCWA number. Our current membership stands at 3,660. Although the majority of these Amateurs live in the United States, our membership stretches around the world.
Activities within QCWA range from the local, by belonging to or organizing a chapter in your area. Local chapters are involved with all areas of Amateur Radio, to the national, when we meet for a Convention each year in October, to the international during our Spring QSO Party, usually held in March.