Why should I Join QCWA?
Every now and then at gatherings of amateurs or during on the air contact, the question is asked, 'Why should I join QCWA?' My response is as follows:
QCWA membership is not for every radio amateur eligible to join. Many amateurs for one reason or other never join or support amateur organizations, irrespective of the worthiness of the objectives of the organizations or what they may have done to protect amateur privileges or advance the communications art. Some amateurs are true loners and a few could care less whether or not amateur radio with its many opportunities for personal enjoyment, technical advancement, public service, and developing lasting friendship with fellow amateurs will be available for future generations.
QCWA membership often appeals to amateurs who want to be identified with and associate with some of the best known, respected, proficient and dedicated amateurs in the world. The knowledge that so many well-known amateurs have joined together in this unique non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the best interests of all amateurs, for now and posterity, appeals to many.
There are other reasons for joining QCWA. Membership in QCWA is for those amateurs who truly enjoy the hobby, who appreciate the effect it has had on their lives, and who want to share their experiences and talents with others for the good of amateur radio.
QCWA membership is also for those who would like to participate in promoting more cooperation and good will among all amateurs and who would like to be a part of an organized effort to preserve our amateur traditions. QCWA membership likewise appeals to amateurs who are aware of the forces which would acquire our frequencies and reduce our privileges, amateurs who would like to be a part of a unified effort to defend our privileges.
Membership in QCWA also appeals to altruistic amateurs who would like to support scholarship funding for deserving amateurs pursuing educational objectives. Others join QCWA so they can participate socially in Chapter meetings and be a part of local activities for the good of amateur radio and the public interest.
Some eligible amateurs recognize the importance of QCWA objectives as they may influence the present and future of amateur radio, but join principally to acknowledge approval and support for QCWA purposes. Others join not only to acknowledge support for QCWA objectives but because they want to become active in some or all of the ongoing activities in QCWA.
Either category is welcome in QCWA.
Leland Smith, W5KL (SK) QCWA President Emeritus
Why Belong to QCWA National?
- Receive a monthly QCWA Journal with news and articles of interest to QCWA Members.
- QCWA Anniversary Award - issued in 5-year increments from 50 years on up.
- Fifty year Continuous Licensing Certificate
- QCWA Century Club Certificate - qualification is age + number of years as a QCWA member equals 100 or more.
- Operating Awards - for number of QCWA members worked in the various states and QCWA Chapters.
- Member Supplies - such as emblems, stamps, caps, shirts, lapel pins, decals and QSL cards.
- Participation in spring QCWA QSO Parties.
- Eligible to recommend a licensed amateur radio student for a scholarship to continue their education in a recognized college or university.
- And last, but not least, for the social and lasting relationships made while sharing your expertise with others.
Why Not Join Now!
Ken Oelke, VE6AFO QCWA Past President