WI9M - October 20, 2013
Gary J. Sharbuno
Brown Deer, WI
QCWA # 22261
Hi, MY name is Gary,(wi9m). I have been a Ham for 43 years and have been active all that time. I was licensed in 1964 as WN9JJA, and did not upgrade until 1966,when I was in the Coast Guard as WA9UJK. I was assigned to a LORAN station on a island in Alaska in 1967, where as a General licensed ham I ran alot of Phone-patches for the crew on this station. Ham radio got me interested in the broadcast business, and after service I went to school to become a Broadcast Engineer. I have worked as an engineer at a local PBS station for 32 years at WMVS-TV in Milwaukee, Wi., and retired in June of 2006. I am active as a ham in contests of all sorts, on HF, and my favorate is Field-day in June. I like camping around the state, and my favorite spot is Wisconsin Dells, Wi. where I have a seasonal trailor. I operate daily on 3.860 at 8:30am, and join a group of fellow Wisconsin stations. I also do some Dx, and get on 1.865 am 160 net at 4:30am, and a pm net on 1.895 at 7pm. I also like to check into the Before Breakfast Club and the Breakfast Club on 3.973 mhz. at 2am or 4am. See you on the bands.