WN3LIF 1951 - 2020
Walter T. 'Walt' Jones
Duryea, PA
QCWA # 36130
Chapter 224
First Call: WN3LIF in 1968 Other Call(s): WA3YOE KB3QW
It is with great sadness that I must report the passing of Walt Jones,WN3LIF. Walt passed on Monday, June 22nd, at Scranton Regional Hospital.
Walt was a Vietnam Veteran and had been awarded the Purple Heart as well as other honors while serving as a Special Forces Officer.
Walt spoke often of his wife, Jan, "The Lady of the Jones Manor" and loved going for walks with his dog, Taffy. He never neglected his family and friends.
Walt served on the ARRL Field Staff as our Section Emergency Coordinator. He built ARES in East Pennsylvania into the outstanding organization it is today. Walt WAS the Amateur Radio Emergency Service in the Eastern Pennsylvania Section. He was always ready to lend a hand to County Emergency Coordinators to overcome any problem. Everyone knew they could always count on Walt.
I always told Walt that his work made me look good. Walt didn't work for accolades and seemed embarrassed by praise.
Walt visited every ARES group in East PA and made significant contributions to each.
Every Sunday evening Walt published his EPA Section ARES Weekly Bulletin which everyone looked forward to. True to form, this past Sunday, although feeling "a little under the weather", Walt sent out his last newsletter.
I was privileged to work closely with Walt as Section Manager and valued his friendship and advice. Walt was a "self-starter". I could ask him to take on any project and knew it would be completed in an outstanding manner.
Walt was known throughout the American Radio Relay League for his skill and devotion to Public Service. His reputation spread far and wide. I never encountered anyone who didn't have high praise for Walt.
Above all else, Walt was a "People Person." He was always willing to lend a hand with any task.
Walt leaves big shoes to fill and no one will ever replace him. We will all miss Walt signing out of nets with his trademark "WN3LIF, Life Is Fun."
Walt was a member of the Murgas Amateur Radio Club and served on the Board of Directors.His passing is a great loss to the Murgas Amateur Radio Club, Luzerne County ARES, the EPA Section, Luzerne County EMA, to his friends in competitive shooting, and to those lucky to call him friend.
Our deepest sympathies to his wife Jan and the rest of his family. Thanks for sharing Walt with us.
Below is the obituary notice from The Citizens Voice.
Walter T. Jones, 69, of Duryea, passed away unexpectedly Monday, June 22, 2020, in Regional Hospital of Scranton.
Services will be privately held and at the convenience of the family.
Interment will be in Fairview Memorial Park Cemetery, Elmhurst.
Published in Citizens' Voice on June 23, 2020
Rest in Peace, W.T. "Walt" Jones, WN3LIF, SK, June 22nd, 2020. Abetter friend no one ever had.
ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section
Section Manager: George W Miller, W3GWM
from qrz.com
Yes, it is my original call from 1968.
W N 3 Life Is Fun!
Dad gave me the nickname of WT so that is what I like to be called but I am open to Walt, Walter, or anything else that a friend might use to get my attention.
Currently I am the Eastern PA Section Emergency Coordinator. Best part of that job is getting to work with all the great ECs in EPA. There are a lot of good people out there.
My volunteer time in ARES goes all the way back to the 1972 Agnes Flood in Wilkes-Barre, PA. There was a lot of practical experiences thrown in along the way. Wet feet, muddy feet, tired feet, and a hoarse voice was the result of much of that practical experience. Followed by that good feeling of knowing I helped.
Yes, I have all the certifications because they are required. Got to eat your own dogfood you know.
If you want to know more about ARES in EPA you can visit http://www.w3luz.org
I can't call it mine because I share it with the Luzerne County ARES. I was the EC for Luzerne County for many years but since I became the SEC I knew that the County needed someone to take of them and only them. Still, it is home.
I like digital - any form or flavor. Fldigi and its parts are my favorite but DMR, Fusion, and anything else that makes a racket (including my old iron RTTY gear) is fun to me.
Just got myself a Pi-Star so a new experiment is in progress.
Contesting - Love it but don't do enough of it. Am to remedy that as soon as I retire as the SEC. Don't hold your breath for that but I will try to fit some RTTY contests in as time permits.
The other two loves of my life are the Lady of the Jones Manor and my Corgi, Taffi. They are both crazy but it is a mutual condition. Love 'em both dearly.
Like the rest of the Amateur World I am on FT8. Fascinates me. Since I was a "Novice" that was once crystal controlled that mode is just at the absolute opposite end of the spectrum.
I do use LOTW, will answer a SASE QSL request, and I do upload to eQSL but I don't do much more with it than that.
