Craig W. Vagell
Cedar Knolls, NJ
QCWA # 21833
Originally licensed in 1962 with Novice call sign WN2HJW in Garfield, New Jersey, USA and then upgraded to General Class with call sign WB2HJW until 1989; and then another upgrade to Extra Class (with the 20 wpm Morse code requirement) to callsign WR2G. Other operations include VP9/WR2G from Bermuda. Presently residing in Cedar Knolls, NJ near Morristown, about 30 miles west of New York City.
Most ham activity over 53 years was working DX, contesting and RACES (Communications Officer for Hanover Twp. and Garfield, New Jersey).
Recently, my attention has turned back to portable, mobile and light contesting operation. I often operate at home from the outdoor deck with my ICOM 706 out of a suitcase.
I also use an ICOM 706 in a Jeep Liberty. At home I use a Yaesu FT 1000D and a Ten Tec Titan amplifier. Primary antennas include an multiband inverted Vee,30 meter dipole and a Force 12- C3 beam. I am active on most all bands VHF to 160 meters.
Let me know if you have any similar interests that include:
-Society of American Magicians-Life Member ;
-American Radio Relay League-Life Member;
-DXCC Honor Roll, QRP-DXCC,5-Band DXCC;
-Quarter Century Wireless Association-Life Member;
-HAMGICIANS*-Charter President and founder Hams who are magicians;
I QSL 100% all CARDS received. Please give the QSL bureaus time to deliver them. Presently no LOTW or e-QSLs will be answered.
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73, *Now you hear me? Now you _______ !
Craig, WR2G
February 23, 2015