Joseph J. Schwoebel
Newnan, GA
QCWA # 34956
I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA and held amateur callsign WA3CAQ prior to obtaining my Extra Class license. Work requirements have relocated my family to several areas of the USA over the years, including Florida, California, and Oregon. I presently live about 40 miles south of Atlanta in Newnan, GA, which is located in Coweta County (one of the fastest growing counties in Georgia).
You can frequently find me on 40, 20, and 15 meters, as well as local VHF/UHF repeaters. Amateur radio helped to develop my career interests in medical product technology, including pacemakers, defibrillators, neuromodulation, cardiac revascularization and medical software. My undergraduate degree is from Penn State University with a graduate degree from the University of Miami.
Beyond amateur radio, my interests include various areas of clinical research, digital imaging and community activities. You can find my LinkedIn Profile at http://www.linkedin.com/in/jschwoebel.
73, Joe Schwoebel
March 27, 2015